3 Simple Ways to Avoid Overeating at Mealtimes

It now officially the "Social Season". Depending on what stage of life you are in there will, no doubt, some type of gathering to attend...eg, baby showers, weddings, xmas functions, summer BBQ's and holiday times. Sometimes those holiday feasts are just amazing and it's not just the abundance of delicious food but also the people, the decorations, the ambiance and where some great family and friend memories come from.
It is way too easy to indulge on those days.
But it doesn't always stop there.
Sometimes we overeat on regular days or at regular meals...or all the time 🙋#guilty
Here are 3 Tips to Avoid Overeating at Meals.
(Psst, turn these into habits and ditch the willpower!)

Tip #1: Don't Underestimate Water
When your stomach is growling and you smell amazingly delicious food it's too easy to fill a plate (or grab some samples with your bare hands) and dive into the food.
But did you know that it's possible to sometimes confuse the feeling of thirst with that of hunger? Your stomach may actually be craving a big glass of water rather than a feast.
Some studies have shown that drinking a glass or two of water before a meal can help reduce the amount of food eaten. This super-simple tip may even help with weight loss.
Not only will the water start to fill up your stomach before you get to the buffet, leaving less room for the feast but drinking enough water has been shown to slightly increase your metabolism.
Tip #2: Try Eating “Mindfully”
You've heard of mindfulness but have you applied that to your eating habits?
This can totally help you avoid overeating as well as having the added bonus of helping your digestion.
Just as being mindful when you meditate helps to focus your attention on your breathing and the present moment, being mindful when you eat helps to focus your attention on your meal.
Do this by taking smaller bites, eating more slowly, chewing more thoroughly, and savouring every mouthful. Notice and appreciate the smell, taste and texture. Breathe.
This can help prevent overeating because eating slower often means eating less.
When you eat quickly you can easily overeat because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full.
So take your time, pay attention to your food and enjoy every bite.
Bonus points: Eat at a table (not in front of the screen), off of a small plate, and put your fork down between bites.

Tip #3: Start with the Salad
You may be yearning for that rich, creamy main dish.
But don't start there.
Veggies are a great way to start any meal because they're not only full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and health-promoting phytochemicals, but they also have some secret satiety weapons: fibre and water.
Fiber and water are known to help fill you up and make you feel fuller. They're “satiating”.
These secret weapons are great to have on your side when you're about to indulge in a large meal.
Have your glass of water, eat mindfully, and start with your salad to help avoid overeating at meals.
Recipe (Water): Tasty Pre-Meal Water Ideas

If you're not much of a plain water drinker or need your water to be more appealing to your senses here are five delicious (and beautiful looking) fruit combos to add to your large glass of water:
Slices of lemon & ginger
Slices of strawberries & orange
Slices of apple & a cinnamon stick
Chopped pineapple & mango
Blueberries & raspberries
Tip: You can buy a bag (or several bags) of frozen chopped fruit and throw those into your cup, thermos, or cool mason jar in the morning. They're already washed and cut and will help keep your water colder longer.